Adobe Photoshop is a graphic and picture editing tool. It enables the user to alter, manipulate and create images either from existing photos or found images.
There are many different tools in photoshop, and I have enjoyed using them immensely because using them can create wonderful photos, and being able to use photoshop is great because so many businesses use photoshop and need someone who can use the software, for magazines and many different industries.
My most favorite tool was the clone tool, which is cloning some part of another image or the same one, and putting into another image, and this tool can make a picture have the effect and meaning of something, and change entirely just by this tool. Here is a example of Clover Field, supposing to have a normal sea, rough and green like colour, but using the clone tool, i alted and made it have the sky image from a picture from Iron Man.
The main basis of photoshop is layers, and learning about how to use layers is a great way to start learning the bases of photoshop, and most problems on photoshop is due to a layers problem, and being able to understand how to overcome these problems can help see through most of the problems in photshop. Layers can also help also put a copy ed layer in front of another layer, which can help create a certain momentum about a photo ad help it alot more significant. In Iron Man, dragging layer 2 (one of the 2's) in front of layer one and the right 2 will stick out over the other 2, and this is due to layers, and also since both layers are above the background layer, the 2s are shown in front of the Iron Man background.
Another amazing tool which i used was the Lasso Tool, this tool is a fantastic way to transer a certain part of a image and put into into the same one or a different image, and can create fantastic images. In the image before, i have taken the Picture clover field, and go the bullet from a poster in Wanted, Lassoed the bullet and coped and pasted into the clover field picture, and creates a whole new meaning to the picture.
A tool which i am going to certainly use more often is the Bandage Tool, which reads the images nearby the spot that uve pressed, and compressed it into what the surrounding pixels look like, and is very useful for getting rid of spots in a picture, which i shall be using when uploading photos to my facebook and other social sites. As you can see in Clover Field, i have used the bandage tool to get rid of the O, and B, by using the bandage tool, to push all the pixels so make it look like its surroundings to make it disapear, this gives the bullet a old meaning because the bullet could look like its very old and some of the words have been scratched off.
You can also in Edit - Transform - Rotate and flip and all sorts of flips and rotating, which can effect the photo dramaticly. You can also change its scale, making it smaller or bigger. Such as in this image of clover field, the top bullet has been scaled to a smaller size (holding shift makes it not go out of focus, not making it too fat or thin), and has rotated to look like its shooting downwards.
Another feature is when you copy and paste a image from another picture into another picture, you notice it doesnt blend into the background because the colour or saturation is different, this can change by going to Image - Ajustment - Hue/Saturation, and you can make it suit the colour of the background and help blend in with the scene and make it look like its ment to be in there. In cloverfield, i have changed the bigger bullet to suit the background so it looks like its ment to be there